Deepinder Goyal, Zomato Founder- Fitness Journey

Zomato’s CEO and founder, Deepinder Goyal, recently shared an awe-inspiring glimpse of his fitness journey on his Instagram account, leaving many inspired and motivated. Through a before and after picture spanning from 2019 to 2023, Goyal showcased his remarkable health transformation, sending a powerful message about the significance of prioritizing health alongside work.



According to Deepinder Goyal, he began prioritizing his health a few months before the Covid pandemic struck in 2019. Over the course of four years, he made incredible strides in his fitness journey. His body weight remarkably decreased from 87 kg to a leaner and healthier 72 kg. In addition, his cholesterol levels witnessed a significant drop from 165 to a heart-healthy 55, while his body fat percentage experienced a considerable decrease, demonstrating the power of consistent and dedicated healthy habits.


Goyal took to his blog to share the approach he adopted to achieve such impressive fitness goals. He diligently tracked his carbohydrate intake and opted for a healthier diet, with Zomato’s assistance in providing nutritious food choices, particularly since Indian home-cooked food is often dominated by carbohydrates. Alongside dietary improvements, Goyal incorporated regular workouts into his routine, ensuring that he stayed active and physically fit. While he allowed himself occasional indulgences on cheat days, Goyal maintained unwavering consistency in embracing healthier habits each passing week.


Moreover, Goyal emphasized the vital connection between physical and mental health, underscoring how regular exercise and well-being practices significantly improve emotional control, boost creativity, and elevate overall energy levels. He firmly believes that by integrating wellness and healthy living, individuals can enhance not only their physical well-being but also their overall performance in all aspects of life.


Demonstrating his commitment to employee well-being, Goyal took an innovative step within Zomato by introducing a new position – the Chief Fitness Officer (CFO). This in-house wellness team comprises dedicated trainers, nutritionists, and well-being counselors who will provide wholehearted support to Zomato employees in their individual wellness journeys.


Deepinder Goyal’s incredible fitness journey serves as a powerful and motivational reminder that small, consistent steps taken towards self-improvement can lead to truly transformative results, not just physically but also mentally. The introduction of the Chief Fitness Officer position showcases Zomato’s deep-rooted dedication to fostering a healthy and balanced work environment, where employees are encouraged to prioritize their well-being alongside professional growth.

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