Action Plan to Handle Stray Dogs During G-20 Summit

Delhi civic body plans to remove stray dogs from prominent locations during the G-20 Summit.

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has taken a proactive step to address the issue of stray dogs during the G-20 Summit in the national capital. Recognizing the importance of ensuring a safe and clean environment during international events, the MCD has formulated a comprehensive action plan to manage the stray dog population responsibly.


The action plan entails a massive drive to pick up all stray dogs in the vicinity of prominent locations in Delhi where G-20 Summit activities are scheduled to take place. The selected areas will be closely monitored to identify and safely capture stray dogs. The drive is set to commence on August 4 and continue until August 30.


Upon being picked up, the stray dogs will be taken to animal birth control (ABC) centers that are run by NGOs. These centers are well-equipped to handle and care for the animals during the duration of the summit. At the ABC centers, the dogs will receive proper sterilization, ensuring responsible population management and minimizing any potential disturbances during the event.


The MCD’s Department of Veterinary Services will lead the sterilization drive, and they will be assisted by NGOs and private veterinary doctors to ensure the efficient and humane handling of the stray dogs. This collaborative effort will play a vital role in the success of the initiative and contribute to maintaining a safe environment for both residents and visitors during the G-20 Summit.


It is essential to highlight that the decision to temporarily house the stray dogs at the ABC centers during the summit is in compliance with the ABC Dog Rules 2001, which have been updated to reflect the current year, 2023. The rules stipulate that stray dogs should be released back to the same locations from where they were picked up after undergoing sterilization and proper care.


The release issued by the MCD’s Department of Veterinary Services provides assurance that the stray dogs will be treated with care and compassion during their stay at the ABC centers. After the conclusion of the G-20 Summit, the animals will be safely returned to their original locations, promoting a harmonious coexistence between the city’s residents and its stray dog population.


This responsible and proactive approach by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi showcases the city’s commitment to hosting a successful and well-managed G-20 Summit. By addressing the issue of stray dogs in a humane and systematic manner, Delhi aims to provide a conducive environment for all participants and visitors attending this prestigious international event.

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