Opposition parties in Uttar Pradesh have launched a scathing attack on Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government over the law and order situation in the state, following the brutal double murder of two children at their home. Accusing the government of failing to maintain law and order in the state, Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav said the lives of the two brothers could have been saved if the police had worked properly.
“The lives could have been saved had the police worked properly. They (BJP government) can’t hide their shortcomings, this encounter is not going to hide their failure,” Yadav said, referring to the encounter of one of the accused in the Badaun double murder case.
Yadav’s Party MLA Shivpal Singh Yadav while questioning the law and order situation in the state said, now that the accused has been killed in an encounter, there is no way of unearthing the case.
“The incident in Badaun is very saddening but the law and order of the government has failed totally. This becomes clear by incidents like these,” Yadav told media.
When asked about the encounter, he said, “I congratulate the district and police administration for the action but the truth behind the incident must also come out.”
Samajwadi Party leader Shivpal Yadav first visited Badaun last week after his name was announced as the candidate for the Lok Sabha elections. “BJP wants to win elections by creating riots and communal tension in UP and that is why it is itself carrying out such incidents and creating communal tension in the districts, the result of which is today’s incident in Badaun,” the Samajwadi Party said in a post on X.
“When BJP has lost on the real issues, religious dispute is the last weapon left with saffron party. At the behest of BJP, many goons and miscreants are roaming freely and are committing such incidents leading to tensions in the society,” he said.
Samajwadi Party’s ally for Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Congress, demanded resignation of chief minister Yogi Adityanath and said there was a complete jungle raj in the state after the double murder case.
Inquiry ordered into Sajid’s death
District Magistrate Badaun Manoj Kumar Singh has ordered a magisterial inquiry into the encounter of accused Sajid and ordered to send the inquiry report within 15 days.
What is Badaun double murder case?
A twenty year old barber, Sajid, slit the throats of two children, when he visited their home seeking money. Hours after the murder on Tuesday evening, the accused was gunned down in an encounter with the police, IG Bareilly range RK Singh told PTI.
Sajid, who had recently opened a barber shop in the locality, allegedly attacked three brothers — Ayush,12, Ahaan alias Honey, 8, and Yuvraj, 10, with a knife. Ayush and Ahaan died in the attack, while Yuvraj was rushed to a hospital with grievous wounds.
The police on Wednesday detained the father and uncle of the accused. The other accused, Sajid’s brother, Javed, is absconding, police said.
According to reports, Sajid had sought ₹5,000 claiming his wife was pregnant and he needed financial help for hospital charges. However, Sajid’s mother on Wednesday said that Sajid’s wife was not pregnant. The couple had two children who died, she said.
The FIR, based on the complaint by the victims’ father Vinod Kumar, notes that Sajid and his brother Javed reached the house at around 7 pm. Sajid told his wife that he needed ₹5,000 to pay the hospital for the delivery of his child. When the wife went inside to get the money, Sajid went to the rooftop of the house. Moments later, Javed also reached the rooftop and they called Ayush and Ahaan, according to the complaint. The accused attacked the minors with a sharp knife. When they came downstairs, Sangeeta saw that their clothes were drenched in blood. According to the FIR, one of them (the two accused) said, “I have done my work today.”