Farooq Abdullah: INDIA Bloc Formed to Safeguard Democracy

Promising to end the voting by EVM machine and make the Election Commission independent, National Conference Chief Farooq Abdullah on Sunday asked the people to check the paper and verify ballots after casting their votes in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections

National Conference president Farooq Abdullah reiterated the commitment of the INDIA Bloc to safeguarding democracy and the Constitution of India. Speaking on Monday, he emphasized that the opposition alliance, comprising parties like the National Conference and the Peoples Democratic Party from Jammu and Kashmir, is united in its goal of creating a democratic India where the voices of the people are heard.


Abdullah dismissed any speculation of internal conflicts within the INDIA Bloc over the prime minister’s post. He underscored that the alliance is focused on democratic values, ensuring space for criticism, and correcting any faults. The primary objective, according to Abdullah, is to work towards an inclusive India where people of different religious and cultural backgrounds coexist and progress together.


“We want an India where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, and others live like brothers and progress together. We are fighting for this India and not for mere power,” stated Farooq Abdullah. He clarified that the INDIA Bloc is dedicated to upholding democratic values and the Constitution, considering it a sacred book bestowed upon the citizens by their elders.


Abdullah outlined the intentions of the opposition alliance, highlighting the goal of creating an India that respects diversity and ensures equal treatment for all citizens. He mentioned the formation of a board to decide on seat-sharing among alliance partners and the possibility of establishing a secretariat and a convenor for the INDIA Bloc.


Responding to queries about the prime ministerial candidate, Abdullah emphasized that a leader would naturally emerge over time, guiding India forward. Drawing historical parallels, he cited examples like I. K. Gujral becoming the prime minister in 1997-98 and Atal Bihari Vajpayee garnering support from 23 parties with different ideologies.


“We have to look equally at all the citizens and ensure equal treatment to them without any bias or discrimination. India belongs to each one of us, and we have to take it forward,” asserted Farooq Abdullah. He indirectly referred to criticisms by certain political figures against former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, acknowledging Nehru’s contributions in establishing institutions like the Indian Space Research Organisation and initiating educational reforms.


Abdullah also highlighted the progress made under former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, leading to a green revolution and positioning India as a global food producer. In the context of his religion, he emphasized the teachings to remember the good deeds of the deceased and overlook any wrongdoing.


“They don’t accept it, and all this is done for power,” he added, without explicitly naming any particular party. The comments reflect Abdullah’s stance on focusing on constructive aspects of governance rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric.


Farooq Abdullah’s statements underscore the commitment of the INDIA Bloc to democratic values, diversity, and the Constitution of India. The opposition alliance aims to work collaboratively to address the challenges facing the nation and create an inclusive and progressive India. The emphasis on unity and shared objectives signals the alliance’s determination to provide an alternative vision for the country based on democratic principles.

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