Former SC Judge A M Khanwilkar Appointed as Lokpal Chairperson

Justice Lingappa Narayana Swamy, Justice Sanjay Yadav, Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Sushil Chandra, Pankaj Kumar and Ajay Tirkey have been appointed to be the members of the anti-corruption ombudsman Lokpal.

Former Supreme Court Judge A M Khanwilkar has been appointed as the chairperson of the Lokpal, India’s anti-corruption ombudsman, filling the post that has been vacant for nearly two years. This significant development comes as the Lokpal has been operating without a regular chief since the completion of Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose’s term on May 27, 2022.


Justice Khanwilkar’s appointment brings much-needed leadership to the Lokpal, which plays a crucial role in combating corruption in the country. With his vast experience in the judiciary, including his tenure as a Supreme Court judge, Justice Khanwilkar is well-equipped to lead the Lokpal effectively.


President Droupadi Murmu’s decision to appoint Justice Khanwilkar as the chairperson of the Lokpal reflects the government’s commitment to strengthening anti-corruption measures in India. The appointment comes after careful consideration and is expected to bolster the Lokpal’s efforts in promoting transparency and accountability in governance.


Justice Khanwilkar’s tenure on the Supreme Court, which concluded in July 2022, was marked by a steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law and delivering justice. His judicial acumen and integrity have earned him widespread respect within the legal fraternity and beyond.


In addition to Justice Khanwilkar, several other esteemed jurists have been appointed to key positions within the Lokpal. Retired justices Lingappa Narayana Swamy, Sanjay Yadav, and Ritu Raj Awasthi have been appointed as judicial members, bringing valuable legal expertise to the anti-corruption body.


Furthermore, Sushil Chandra, Pankaj Kumar, and Ajay Tirkey have been appointed as non-judicial members of the Lokpal. These appointments reflect a balanced mix of judicial and non-judicial expertise, ensuring a comprehensive approach to addressing corruption at all levels of government.


The appointment of Justice Khanwilkar and other members of the Lokpal is a testament to the government’s commitment to combatting corruption effectively. By bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise, the Lokpal is poised to tackle corruption challenges more efficiently and transparently.


The Lokpal plays a critical role in investigating allegations of corruption against public servants and elected officials, ensuring accountability and promoting integrity in public service. With Justice Khanwilkar at the helm, the Lokpal is expected to function with renewed vigor and purpose, delivering justice to those affected by corrupt practices.

Justice Pradip Kumar Mohanty, who currently serves as the acting chairperson of the Lokpal, has been instrumental in overseeing the ombudsman’s operations during the vacancy in the top leadership position. His interim leadership has ensured the continuity of the Lokpal’s functions and operations.


The appointment of Justice Khanwilkar and other members of the Lokpal is a significant milestone in the fight against corruption in India. It sends a strong message that the government is committed to upholding transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, and that those who engage in corrupt practices will be held accountable.


As the Lokpal begins its new chapter under Justice Khanwilkar’s leadership, there is optimism that the ombudsman will emerge as a robust institution capable of effectively addressing corruption and restoring public trust in governance. With the support of the government and the judiciary, the Lokpal is well-positioned to fulfill its mandate and serve the interests of the Indian people.

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