India Plans G20 Digital Museum to Showcase Artefacts

Medical teams from Delhi-based Army Hospital (Research and Referral) have been deployed at four major government hospitals in the national capital which is gearing up to hold the G20 Summit.

In anticipation of the G20 summit, India is preparing to unveil the G20 Digital Museum, an innovative project that will highlight cultural artefacts and heritage from G20 member nations and guest countries. The initiative, conceptualized during India’s chairmanship of the G20, is set to be introduced during the Leaders Summit scheduled for September 9-10.


Sources reveal that the G20 Digital Museum will feature at least one significant artefact or its digital replica from each member nation and the nine guest countries. This phygitcal (physical and digital) museum concept aims to create a platform where cultural richness from around the world can be displayed and appreciated.


Notably, the digital replicas of iconic works of art such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and ‘Girl With a Pearl Earring’ by Johannes Vermeer are expected to be part of this unique museum experience. The G20 Digital Museum is designed to embody the concept of ‘Virasat Bhi, Vikas Bhi’ (Heritage and Development Together), a vision emphasized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


In addition to the G20 Digital Museum, the Culture Ministry is also working on other projects as part of G20 engagements. This includes the ‘G20 Digital Museum – Culture Corridor’ and a ‘G20 Anthology of Poems – Under the Same Sky’. The focus is on cultural engagement and fostering a sense of shared heritage among member nations and guests.


The G20, comprising major developed and developing economies, is an intergovernmental forum aimed at global economic cooperation. As India holds the rotating presidency of the G20, these cultural initiatives are part of the country’s effort to promote the exchange of cultural heritage and promote economic growth.


At the recent G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting, Prime Minister Modi’s vision of preserving heritage while driving development was prominently featured. The “Kashi Culture Pathway,” an outcome document, highlighted the inclusion of the “Global South,” reflecting India’s commitment to engaging a diverse range of cultural influences.


With the G20 Leaders Summit just around the corner, India’s G20 Digital Museum is set to showcase the world’s cultural diversity while emphasizing the importance of heritage in shaping global growth and cooperation.

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