Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Expresses Displeasure

Om Birla has reportedly expressed deep displeasure at the repeated disruptions in the House.

The ongoing Monsoon session of the Lok Sabha has been plagued by continuous disruptions, prompting Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to express his deep displeasure. In response to the uproarious scenes and repeated disruptions that have marred the House since the session’s commencement on July 20, the Speaker has made the decision to refrain from chairing the Lower House until members conduct themselves with the dignity and decorum befitting the Parliament.


The disruptions have been a cause of frustration not only for the Speaker but also for the citizens of India who expect their elected representatives to engage in constructive debates and discussions on important issues. Both the ruling party and the opposition have faced criticism for their behaviour during the passage of bills and other legislative business in the House.


On a recent Wednesday morning, as the Parliament re-assembled for the day’s proceedings, Om Birla was noticeably absent from the chair. Sources indicate that he conveyed his dissatisfaction with the disruptions to both the opposition and the treasury benches. Despite the Speaker’s appeals for maintaining decorum, the post-lunch session saw opposition members storming into the well of the House, demanding a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the situation in Manipur. Unfortunately, the opposition remained unyielding, leading to the adjournment of proceedings for the day.


The issue at the center of the disruptions has been the demand from opposition members for a detailed discussion on the situation in Manipur and a statement from the Prime Minister. This contentious matter has caused rising tensions and frustration among all stakeholders involved.


The disruptions in the Lok Sabha have raised significant concerns about the functioning of the Parliament and the need for members to prioritize constructive debates and discussions over unruly behavior. Speaker Om Birla’s decision to distance himself from the proceedings serves as a stern message to all members, urging them to uphold the sanctity of the House and promote an atmosphere conducive to constructive dialogue and consensus-building.


The ongoing disruptions in the Lok Sabha have cast a shadow over the Parliament’s functioning, affecting its ability to address crucial issues and legislative matters. It is imperative for all members to respect the dignity of the House and engage in civil discourse to ensure the smooth functioning of India’s democracy. The responsibility lies on every elected representative to uphold the principles of democratic governance and work together to address the challenges and aspirations of the nation.

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