Skilled Workforce: India’s Potential as a Global Provider

Interim budget 2024 is dedicated to the youth of the country with a focus on rail, road, and modern infrastructure, says Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that India is in a favourable position to become one of the leading sources of the skilled workforce globally while urging for the swift universalization of social security benefits for workers. He emphasized the impending major shifts in the employment sector and stressed the need for proactive and effective strategies to navigate these rapid changes.


In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the prime minister highlighted technology as the primary driver of employment and emphasized India’s capability in generating numerous tech-based jobs during the previous technology-driven transformation.


PM Modi emphasized the importance of upskilling the workforce with advanced technologies and processes, emphasizing that skilling, re-skilling, and up-skilling are vital for the future workforce. He cited India’s successful “Skill India Mission” and the “Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana,” which has trained over 12.5 million young individuals in the country. The prime minister also focused on the growth of Industry 4.0 sectors, such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things, and Drones.


Praising India’s front-line health workers for their dedication during the COVID pandemic, PM Modi emphasized that it reflects India’s culture of service and compassion. He expressed confidence in India’s potential to be a major global supplier of skilled workforce, as a mobile workforce becomes a reality in the future. He called for the G20’s active role in promoting the global development and sharing of skills.


The prime minister applauded member nations for initiating the international referencing of occupations based on skills and qualifications requirements. He stressed the importance of new models of international cooperation and coordination, including migration and mobility partnerships.


PM Modi proposed the sharing of statistics, information, and data regarding employers and workers, which will empower countries worldwide to develop evidence-based policies for effective skilling, workforce planning, and meaningful employment.


In conclusion, the prime minister expressed confidence that the meeting would send a powerful message for the welfare of all workers globally. He appreciated the efforts made by all dignitaries in addressing crucial issues in this field.

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