UK PM Rishi Sunak Reveals 36-Hour Fasting Routine

PM Rishi Sunak government said its move will bring England in line with steps taken by other European countries who have restricted mobile phone use including France, Italy and Portugal.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has revealed details about his rigorous wellness routine, which includes a 36-hour fasting period. According to media reports, Sunak fasts from Sunday 5 pm to Tuesday 5 am, consuming only water, tea, and calorie-free drinks during this extended fasting window.


The prime minister’s fasting routine came to light during an interview on ITV’s mid-morning show on January 30, where hosts Rylan Clark and Rochelle Humes inquired about Sunak’s intermittent fasting practice. The hosts raised the question, “You just had some chicken, is that your first bit of food since?” during the interview.


In response, Rishi Sunak, seemingly surprised by the personal question, shared insights into his fasting routine. He mentioned that he sometimes indulges in a bit of food during the fasting period but largely refrains from eating. “I do have the odd nut. I start with the best of intentions, as we all do, but then things happen,” he added.


The UK Prime Minister acknowledged that he wishes he were as disciplined as reported and mentioned that, like everyone else, he starts the week with the best of intentions. However, the realities of life sometimes interfere with his fasting routine. Sunak described his fasting day as “not totally nothing, but largely nothing,” indicating that he occasionally deviates from strict fasting.


He humorously remarked, “I’ve already had my second pastry today. No, yes! I didn’t think we’d ever be talking about this, but there we go.”


Rishi Sunak explained that his fasting routine is a way to control his cravings, especially after an indulgent weekend. He aims for a day of fasting every Monday as a reset and detox at the start of the week. However, he acknowledged that work-related engagements often limit his ability to exercise as much as he used to.


The Prime Minister also confessed his love for sugary foods, mentioning that he enjoys sugary pastries throughout the rest of the week. Despite the challenges of maintaining his fasting discipline, Sunak views it as a reset and detox to counterbalance his busy schedule.


Rishi Sunak’s revelation about his wellness routine has sparked discussions on social media, with experts and the public sharing opinions on intermittent fasting and its potential benefits.

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