Denmark: King Frederik X Ascends Throne

Tens of thousands of people came to witness King Frederik X ascended the throne, from all over Denmark converged on the capital to witness events, in a sign of the huge popularity the monarchy is enjoying in the nation of nearly six million.

In a historic moment for Denmark, King Frederik X officially ascended the throne on Sunday, succeeding his mother, Queen Margrethe II, who formally abdicated after a remarkable 52-year reign. The nation gathered in the capital to witness this historic transition, marked by the first voluntary relinquishment of the throne by a Danish monarch in nearly 900 years.


Queen Margrethe II, aged 83, made the unexpected announcement on New Year’s Eve about her decision to abdicate. The succession was formalized as Queen Margrethe signed the declaration of abdication during a meeting of the Council of State at parliament. Denmark, being one of the oldest monarchies globally, does not have a coronation ceremony.


The meeting was attended by government representatives, Queen Margrethe, King Frederik X, his Australian-born wife Queen Mary, and their oldest son Prince Christian, 18, who is the new heir to the throne. Following the signing, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was set to proclaim the new king on the parliament balcony, and King Frederik X would give a brief speech.


Despite freezing temperatures, tens of thousands of people gathered in Copenhagen to witness this historic event, underscoring the immense popularity of the monarchy in Denmark. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and pride as the nation celebrated the beginning of a new era.


Soren Kristian Bisgaard, a 30-year-old pilot, expressed his sentiments, saying, “We have come here today because this is history being made in front of our eyes. We just had to be here. I’m very fond of the royal family. I have been in the Royal Life Guards myself, standing guard at the royal palace. I’m very proud to have done that and also to be here today.”


Later in the day, the new king and queen were scheduled to ride in a horse carriage back to their residence at Amalienborg, a royal complex in central Copenhagen. They will continue to reside with Queen Margrethe, who retains her title as queen, in Amalienborg, each in their respective palaces within the complex.


Queen Margrethe did not provide a specific reason for her decision to step down but mentioned that a major back surgery in February of the previous year prompted her to consider her future. The decision marks a unique moment in Danish history, with King Frederik X taking the throne at a time of significant public support and enthusiasm for the monarchy.


A recent survey conducted after Queen Margrethe’s abdication announcement revealed that 82% of Danes expect King Frederik X to perform well or very well in his new role, while 86% expressed the same sentiment about Queen Mary. The new royal couple assumes their responsibilities during a period of widespread optimism and confidence in the monarchy’s future.


The transition signifies not only a change in leadership but also a continuation of Denmark’s rich history and traditions, with the monarchy playing a central role in the nation’s identity. As King Frederik X takes on his new responsibilities, he inherits a legacy of public trust and a nation looking forward to a new chapter in its monarchy’s journey.

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