Maldives Ex-Deputy Speaker Apologizes for Derogatory Remarks

The row began after some Maldivian ministers posted insulting remarks targeting India and PM Modi for posting photos and videos from his visit to Lakshadweep.

As the diplomatic row between Maldives and India escalates over derogatory remarks made by three now-suspended Maldivian ministers against PM Modi and India, former Deputy Speaker of the island nation, Eva Abdulla, has denounced the comments as “shameful and racist.” In an interview with NDTV, Ms. Abdulla, who is also a sitting Member of Parliament, expressed understanding for the outrage generated by the offensive remarks and personally apologized to the people of India.


Maldives Ex-Deputy Speaker Abdulla acknowledged that the comments made by the suspended ministers—Maryam Shiuna, Malsha Shareef, and Mahzoom Majid—were outrageous and emphasized that they do not reflect the opinion of the Maldivian people. She conveyed her personal apology to India for the shameful remarks and urged Indians to end the #BoycottMaldives campaign.


The diplomatic spat began when the suspended ministers posted insulting remarks targeting India and PM Modi after he shared photos and videos from his visit to Lakshadweep. The images featured PM Modi snorkeling and relaxing on the picturesque beaches, prompting social media users to consider Lakshadweep as an alternative holiday destination to the Maldives.


In response to the controversy, the Maldives government issued a statement announcing the suspension of the ministers who had made the derogatory comments. The government’s statement asserted that those making such posts on social media while holding government positions had been suspended from their jobs.


Tensions between India and the Maldives have been strained since the election of President Mohamed Muizzu, who is perceived as pro-China. Muizzu, during his presidency, advocated for the withdrawal of Indian troops from the Maldives, citing security concerns. The president is currently on a state visit to China from January 8 to 12.


Eva Abdulla reiterated the importance of strong ties between India and the Maldives, emphasizing that the island nation depends on its “long-standing ally” India for economic gains, trade, education, and tourism. She expressed hope that the offensive comments were an isolated occurrence and called on the current administration to take strong action against those who made such remarks to prevent their recurrence.


Addressing the #BoycottMaldives campaign that gained traction on social media, Abdulla appealed to the Indian people to end the boycott and encouraged them to return to the Maldives for holidays. She emphasized that the derogatory comments made by one or two individuals should not be seen as representative of the sentiments of the entire Maldivian population.


Maldives Ex-Deputy Speaker Eva Abdulla’s condemnation of the derogatory remarks and her personal apology to India underscore the significance of fostering positive diplomatic relations between the two nations. The appeal to end the boycott campaign and the emphasis on the enduring ties between India and the Maldives aim to mitigate the impact of the controversy on tourism and bilateral relations. The diplomatic incident highlights the complexities of managing international relations in the age of social media, where individual remarks can have broader implications for diplomatic ties and public sentiment.

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