On Saturday, March 16, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) made significant strides in the Sandeshkhali assault case by apprehending three suspects, including Sheikh Alomgir, the younger brother of expelled Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Sheikh Shahjahan. This development sheds light on the January 5 attack on Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials, who were conducting a raid at Shahjahan’s residence. Alongside Alomgir, the other two individuals detained are Mafaujar Molla and Sirajul Molla.
This recent round of arrests follows earlier apprehensions made by the CBI on March 11, where three individuals identified as Didar Baksh Molla, Faruk Akunji, and Jiaudddin Molla (the Panchayat Pradhan of Sarberia Panchayat) were taken into custody. The investigative efforts signify a concerted push by law enforcement to unravel the circumstances surrounding the violent incident in Sandeshkhali.
Earlier this month, responding to directives from the Calcutta High Court, the state police handed over Sheikh Shahjahan to the CBI for further investigation. The court’s intervention came with a mandate for the central agency to assume control of the case and probe the attack on ED officers, underscoring the gravity of the situation.
According to a CBI official quoted by Hindustan Times, Alomgir and his associates were summoned to the agency’s office for questioning regarding their involvement in the violence on January 5. Subsequently, they were placed under arrest on Saturday evening, marking a significant development in the ongoing investigation.
Sheikh Shahjahan, a prominent figure in the TMC, and his associates have been implicated in various criminal activities, including land grabbing, sexual offenses against local women, and extortion in Sandeshkhali, located in Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district. The TMC leader’s arrest came after he eluded law enforcement for 55 days, following a violent uprising by Sandeshkhali residents.
In response to his arrest, the TMC suspended Sheikh Shahjahan from the party for a duration of six years, denouncing his alleged involvement in criminal activities. This move underscored the party’s commitment to upholding integrity and accountability among its members, irrespective of their status or influence.
The accusations against Sheikh Shahjahan extend to his alleged role in a multi-crore public distribution system (PDS) scam, which prompted the ED to conduct raids at his residence. In connection with this case, former food minister Jyotipriya Mallick was arrested by the ED on October 27 last year. The probe revealed that subsidized grains intended for ration shops were diverted to the open market and sold at exorbitant prices.
Furthermore, local women have accused panchayat zilla parishad members Shiba Prasad Hazra and Uttam Sardar of engaging in corrupt practices. Both Hazra and Sardar are closely associated with Sheikh Shahjahan. Uttam Sardar was arrested by the police on February 10, while Shiba Prasad Hazra, who serves as the president of the TMC unit at Sandeshkhali-2 community block, was apprehended on February 17.
The arrests made by the CBI in connection with the Sandeshkhali assault case underscore the agency’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for victims of criminal activities. As the investigation progresses, it is imperative for all stakeholders to cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice and restore peace and security in the region.