Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled his latest mission, “Wed in India,” during his address at the ‘Viksit Bharat, Viksit Jammu & Kashmir’ programme in Srinagar on Thursday. Encouraging Indian citizens to choose India as the destination for their weddings instead of hosting them abroad, PM Modi emphasized the economic benefits such events could bring to local communities.
“People should host weddings in India…If people feel like coming to J&K and hosting weddings…do their booking here, stay here for three days and spend lavishly here so that people of Jammu and Kashmir also get their livelihood,” stated PM Modi during his speech.
This initiative, dubbed “Wed in India,” was first introduced by PM Modi during a Mann ki Baat episode on November 26, 2023. He highlighted the importance of celebrating weddings within the country, emphasizing that it would contribute to the nation’s economy and provide employment opportunities for its citizens.
During his address in Srinagar, PM Modi also commended the significant growth in tourism witnessed in Jammu and Kashmir in recent years. He noted the remarkable progress made by Srinagar in the tourism sector and stressed its positive impact not only on the region but on the entire nation.
Highlighting the surge in tourist arrivals, PM Modi mentioned that Jammu and Kashmir had seen over 2 crore visitors in 2023 alone. He attributed this growth to the improved security situation and enhanced infrastructure in the region. Additionally, he noted the substantial increase in pilgrimages to revered sites like Amarnath and Vaishno Devi Mandir, as well as a significant rise in foreign tourist arrivals.
PM Modi also underscored the developmental strides made by Jammu and Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019. He criticized the Congress party for misleading the people of Jammu and Kashmir and the nation as a whole on the issue of Article 370 for an extended period.
Expressing his best wishes for the upcoming holy month of Ramzan and the festival of Maha Shivratri, PM Modi’s address emphasized the importance of unity and development in shaping the future of Jammu and Kashmir.
PM Modi’s “Wed in India” initiative seeks to promote domestic tourism and economic growth by encouraging Indians to choose India as the destination for their weddings. His address in Srinagar reiterated the government’s commitment to the development and prosperity of Jammu and Kashmir, showcasing the region’s potential as a vibrant tourist destination and a catalyst for economic progress.