The parents of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Yashvir and Usha Sunak, recently visited the Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt Temple in Andhra Pradesh, India. They were accompanied by Sudha Murty, the mother-in-law of the UK Prime Minister. During their visit, they received blessings from His Holiness Sri Swamiji, who also bestowed them with Vastram, Phala Mantrakshate (a sacred offering), and a memento.
The official Facebook page of the temple shared photos of their visit and expressed gratitude for the presence of the esteemed guests. The post mentioned that the temple’s spiritual leader, His Holiness Sri Swamiji, had graciously entrusted the sacred prasadam (blessed food) of Sri Rayaru to be delivered to Sri Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of Britain, for his parents.
This visit comes shortly after British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty offered prayers at the Akshardham temple in New Delhi. During their visit to Akshardham, they performed puja (worship) and interacted with the swamis (spiritual leaders). The temple priests also provided them with an overview of the Swaminarayan Akshardham complex.
Rishi Sunak, who had expressed his pride in his Hindu heritage and Indian roots, visited the temple as a “proud Hindu.” The UK Prime Minister and his wife thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the temple, demonstrating their deep faith.
Prior to visiting the Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt Temple and Akshardham temple, Rishi Sunak had expressed regret about not being able to celebrate the Janmashtami festival due to his busy schedule. His visits to these temples reflect his strong connection to his Indian heritage and spirituality.
The presence of prominent figures like Rishi Sunak and his family members at these revered temples underscores the significance of spiritual and cultural ties between India and the United Kingdom. It also highlights the importance of religious and cultural diversity within the global Indian diaspora.
These visits serve as a testament to the enduring connections between individuals of Indian origin and their ancestral homeland. Such gestures of faith and reverence contribute to fostering goodwill and cultural exchanges between nations and communities.